Mun Name: Crowe
Mun Age:
How long have you played:
How active are you:
How did you find the game:
When are you most active:
Do you play any other Characters here - who: Alicia, Severus, Dmitri, Deiji, Luna
Birth name: Calisto Rheed
Other names: Cali, Nurse Maid,
Age: 22
Ancestry: Muggle Born
Mother: Unknown
Father: Dead when he was young
Married/Single: Single
Whom: None
Children: Eclispo Rheed (2)
Siblings: None
Where do you live: Aurora head quoarters? (JK!) Rheed South Ranch (RSR)
History: Rheed is a very talented healer. He is a field healer for the aurora's also an undercover by becoming a small pet snake when needed. He was a muggle born wizard that was in school with Moody and Deiji. he was almost the secrete healer for them when they got in trouble. Always quiet calm, and very kind young man. Eclipso came to him when he was 18, when he was just a rookie learning to be an aurora. They had just attacked a house that had raiding Death eaters in it. Calisto always ahd an ear open for children, found a small baby boy wrapped up in covers. The mother was put under the Pain curse for so long her poor heart just gave out. Calisto fall in love with the boy and adopted him. Eclipso was the name he gave the boy, since he didn't know the boys name, and most of the documents where destoried in the house by a fire tht had been started. THe small boy has burns on his hands, but they hve healed over the time.
Calisto is an off and on aurora. Mostly in cases with children and abuse. Moody would call him an underling, or a lacky for the whole Aurora's team, but Calisto has no problem being all of those. He is a very kind person it is hard for him to use unforgivables, but he will, if not, he can always hurt someone with a pain spelll. He is kind young man, very soft and quiet. One reason he doesn't do alot with the aurora's. He is back up, you always know if you are to call him, he is there in a heart beat. He will cover everyone's back. He is usually matched up with another aurora in a battle, he is a life line, able to heal with ease. He isn't a dark auora, and was in Ravenclaw as a child.
He is good at shadow play and staying hidden to spy CHanging his breathing down to be able to not be heard or seen breathing. ALmost as if he is dead if you do not know what to look for. Quick on his fight and quick to draw. He doesn't wnat ot hurt people, but he also wants to protect people so he does what he has to do to make sure no children like Esclipso loose their mothers and fathers.
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Long mousy brown down to his ass.
Height: five foot five
Other characteristics: A long scar on his right arm up to his shoulder fomr being attacked by bullies sytherlin in school. Very thankful for Deiji and Alaster that day. He is very feminine in the way he walks, but he has a son, so not many think to much about it. Slender, hard to beleive the boy could be a power house at any moment in a fight.
Wand:(pick yours up at ollivanders if not Cannon)
Other devices: A book of healing. Healing Charms, Shadow cloak
Allegeiances: Aurora
Patronus: Crow
Boggart: Loosing team and son
Career: Aurora Healer
Where do you want to work:
Undercover shop keep at Hogmends after the huge battle.
Do you want to work somewhere Not listed: no
Are you capible of running the board of your shop: Nope.... i need help with that ....
Mun Name: Crowe
Mun Age:
How long have you played:
How active are you:
How did you find the game:
When are you most active:
Do you play any other Characters here - who: Alicia, Severus, Dmitri, Deiji, Luna
Birth name: Calisto Rheed
Other names: Cali, Nurse Maid,
Age: 22
Ancestry: Muggle Born
Mother: Unknown
Father: Dead when he was young
Married/Single: Single
Whom: None
Children: Eclispo Rheed (2)
Siblings: None
Where do you live: Aurora head quoarters? (JK!) Rheed South Ranch (RSR)
History: Rheed is a very talented healer. He is a field healer for the aurora's also an undercover by becoming a small pet snake when needed. He was a muggle born wizard that was in school with Moody and Deiji. he was almost the secrete healer for them when they got in trouble. Always quiet calm, and very kind young man. Eclipso came to him when he was 18, when he was just a rookie learning to be an aurora. They had just attacked a house that had raiding Death eaters in it. Calisto always ahd an ear open for children, found a small baby boy wrapped up in covers. The mother was put under the Pain curse for so long her poor heart just gave out. Calisto fall in love with the boy and adopted him. Eclipso was the name he gave the boy, since he didn't know the boys name, and most of the documents where destoried in the house by a fire tht had been started. THe small boy has burns on his hands, but they hve healed over the time.
Calisto is an off and on aurora. Mostly in cases with children and abuse. Moody would call him an underling, or a lacky for the whole Aurora's team, but Calisto has no problem being all of those. He is a very kind person it is hard for him to use unforgivables, but he will, if not, he can always hurt someone with a pain spelll. He is kind young man, very soft and quiet. One reason he doesn't do alot with the aurora's. He is back up, you always know if you are to call him, he is there in a heart beat. He will cover everyone's back. He is usually matched up with another aurora in a battle, he is a life line, able to heal with ease. He isn't a dark auora, and was in Ravenclaw as a child.
He is good at shadow play and staying hidden to spy CHanging his breathing down to be able to not be heard or seen breathing. ALmost as if he is dead if you do not know what to look for. Quick on his fight and quick to draw. He doesn't wnat ot hurt people, but he also wants to protect people so he does what he has to do to make sure no children like Esclipso loose their mothers and fathers.
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Long mousy brown down to his ass.
Height: five foot five
Other characteristics: A long scar on his right arm up to his shoulder fomr being attacked by bullies sytherlin in school. Very thankful for Deiji and Alaster that day. He is very feminine in the way he walks, but he has a son, so not many think to much about it. Slender, hard to beleive the boy could be a power house at any moment in a fight.
Wand:(pick yours up at ollivanders if not Cannon)
Other devices: A book of healing. Healing Charms, Shadow cloak
Allegeiances: Aurora
Patronus: Crow
Boggart: Loosing team and son
Career: Aurora Healer
Where do you want to work:
Undercover shop keep at Hogmends after the huge battle.
Do you want to work somewhere Not listed: no
Are you capible of running the board of your shop: Nope.... i need help with that ....
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